Testimonials: Feedback Received On Research and Ideas (Not Comprehensive)

  • "As we head into the festive season I’d like to send a shout out to our Investment Strategist Lester Davids who I brought onto the team nearly 6+ months ago. He was worked above and beyond to put out the highest quality of charting and analysis out there, we can all agree at some juncture we have seen one of his calls and traded it PA. Lester is contacted daily by Bloomberg and Reuters for comment and thus all our clients should feel rest assured we have one of the best Sales Teams in SA at present with our winning trade calls  locally and abroad hitting nearly 70% success rate. Well Done Lester." - Ex-Institutional Trader for a R130bn Boutique Asset Manager and a later a co-head of a CPT based Hedge Fund. (21 December 2021).
  • Hi Lester, I trust you're doing well. I just wanted to commend you for all your analysis you keep putting out. You don't get enough recognition at all and it is just brilliant! Thanks for all the hard work - Sales Trader at IG SA (04 January 2021).
  • On a Thematic ETF Note: "Well done very well put together note..very interesting" - James Stewart, CEO PeresecLegae (12 October 2020)  
  • "Howzit bud, I thought I'd pass on a message. You got a great compliment on all your work that you've been putting out on your weekly packs, from one of the institutional guys I just bumped into now. He was over the moon with our trade calls and the packs that you put out. I've obviously been sending out your trade calls as well as mine. He said we are a very unique team with a lot of depth and that depth goes beyond a lot of the institutional coverage that he deals with.  Transcribed WhatApp Voice Note Received on Sunday 29-November-2020.
  • Thank you for all the excellent content you post Lester. It is always appreciated (I reckon a few fund managers owe you a fee). - a very well-known private investor.  (19 May 2019) 



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